Our Process
For the Mother Of All Nexus Letters, the process is fairly simple:
Step One- You contact us and we have a chat about your needs and how we can best meet them.
Step Two- If you choose to proceed with us, you will pay $400 and we will conduct a complete review of your existing evidence (your Claim File if you have it) and we make a determination as to whether or not we can establish nexus. This advanced review and the fee that comes with it are necessary. A physician’s time does not come freely. You can generally expect the review to take place within 7-10 calendar days.
Step Three- If we determine we can establish nexus, and you’d like us to proceed, you will pay $650 and we will get started on the nexus letter. You can generally expect a turnaround of 7-10 business days for this. Once it is completed, we will present it to you in redacted form. You don’t get the whole thing yet. You will get a sense, though, of the majesty of the Mother of All Nexus Letters. If you like what you see (you will), we move on to Step Four.
Step Four- You will pay the final $650 and receive the signed and unredacted Mother of All Nexus Letters.
We understand it’s not the swiftest turnaround in this business, nor is it the slowest. Also, we do not offer rushed service. As much as we love all veterans, our physicians cannot make your lack of planning their emergency. Our physicians have thriving practices of their own, and those dominate their time. Once they are able to turn their attention to your case, however, you’ll be over the moon with the result and overjoyed you retained 2Paratroopers.
Independent Medical Examinations- these are determined on a case-by-case basis. They are much more involved in terms of moving parts, and require an in-person appearance in Las Vegas (more on this shortly) in order to be examined by one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy. The rewards far outweigh the costs of the journey, however. After being presented with one of our Independent Medical Evaluations, your lawyer or agent may be able to prevent you from having to cooperate with the VA’s scheme of obtaining negative evidence (remember Develop to Deny?) in the form of their VA-provided DBQs.
Regarding the requirement for an in-person examination: an in-person exam is required for the completion of a DBQ. For any Independent Medical Evaluation to have any probative value, the exam NEEDS to be completed in-person. Many physicians have come under scrutiny for completing these without an in-person examination. At best, the evaluation will have no probative value; at worst, the physician and veteran are both exposing themselves to the risk of criminal indictment for lying about an in-person exam that never took place.
If you are interested in obtaining that evidence, we will arrange a time for you to speak in advance with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy so that they can determine the kind of workup you need.